Suriya’s ‘7 Aum Arivu’ is setting forth for a bigger release as Udhayanidhi Stalin has acquired almost all the theatres across Chennai and every district of Tamil Nadu. On the pars, Aascar Ravichandran of Aascar International is also going for a bigger release of ‘Velayudham’. Though the screens are little lesser when compared to Suriya’s ‘7 Aum Arivu’, the producer is confident after a week of release, if the response is good, the movie will be automatically shifted to bigger screens.
Earlier, ‘Velayudham’ was supposed to open on a day before the festive occasion of Diwali. But now ‘7 Aum Arivu’ has taken a front seat as it will open on the evening of October 25 itself.
But Vijay remains cool and confident as he acclaims ‘Velayudham’ as a decorous family entertainer with the right mix of comedy, sentiments, family, action, glamour and romance.